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 Adam Pro for PotUS

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Adam Pro

Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-08-10

Adam Pro for PotUS Empty
PostSubject: Adam Pro for PotUS   Adam Pro for PotUS EmptyWed Sep 19, 2012 9:14 pm

Hello Bastards,

I am asking for your guy's endorsement for PotUS because i think i am a better choice for PotUS now i am not the best but there are somethings that i think i would have done different
  1. Henry Arundel has been suspected of multing i am not sure if it is true but it has been said i don't remember where
  1. gnilraps was apart of amp but is now apart of one of the biggest pto threats in eamerica
  1. isotgg is from a party that in the past basically declared war on eamerica
  1. and chickensguy has been suspected of bringing serbs and bulgarians into the country
and the current president israel stevens giving away our regions is what killed his reelections chance i mean that was the stupidist thing he could have done.
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