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 Best time of day to sell

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Posts : 425
Join date : 2012-03-19
Age : 52
Location : Joplin Missouri

Best time of day to sell Empty
PostSubject: Best time of day to sell   Best time of day to sell EmptySun Sep 09, 2012 11:56 am

I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a best time of the day to put stuff up for sale on the market to get a better price?
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Lord Dark Helmet

Lord Dark Helmet

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Best time of day to sell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best time of day to sell   Best time of day to sell EmptySun Sep 09, 2012 12:00 pm

My suggestion: if you have space in your storage and don't need to unload stuff rightaway, set your price a few cents higher than the current market price. That way if the price goes up while you're offline, you'll get it at the higher price. If it doesn't sell after a while, then you can lower the price.
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Best time of day to sell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best time of day to sell   Best time of day to sell EmptySun Sep 09, 2012 2:04 pm

3 am.

LDH has the right idea...
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Joseph Dinero
Joseph Dinero

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Best time of day to sell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best time of day to sell   Best time of day to sell EmptySun Sep 09, 2012 2:36 pm

I actually set my prices to about page 6 prices, then put it on autopilot. As I produce more, I keep my prices at the same (unless they adjust UPWARD) and adjust just SLIGHTLY in a few days if I need the money.

You DO need to have the space (as LDH is right), to reap the most profits.

(I have had many products sell at ridiculous prices when a promotion starts, and I am not online at the time, as people are unprepared with supplies - i.e. rockets)
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