Morning America!
Welcome to a new day and fresh beginnings." border="0" alt=""/>
“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all.” Thomas Jefferson
It is in the spirit of this quote that I announce my candidacy for President. I am running not to be President, but to challenge the way we perceive the office of President. If you chose to elect me President I plan to change not only the way the government operates, but the way the government interacts with the people. As President I plan to do something very few Presidents have done throughout the history of the eUS, I will focus on a strong domestic agenda that uses foreign policy and war as a tool for retention and activity. We have seen foreign policy and the war module used almost exclusively as an end onto themselves, instead of using them as a tool to energize and build our community.
The war versus Canada did something that has been unheard of in recent history it created a strong and vocal opposition. We have had people who opposed the government due to general politics, personality, or just because they weren’t included. This however was the first time in a long period of time that the opposition was based on policy differences instead of personality. It is for this reason I plan on making my candidacy about policy instead of personality. Regardless of whomever else runs or what they may say or do I will stick to debating policy instead of personality.
Policy Part OneMilitary Policy:
A month or two back Bia Pandora shared an idea I believe has a lot of merit, the idea was a round table of MU commanders who consult and advise the executive on military strategy. I liked the idea, and have decided to borrow it. The round table of military leaders is a sound idea, and ensures that different perspectives are heard by the executive. I will be asking all willing and interested eUS MUs to send a representative to my administration to help decide and discuss military strategy. The roundtable will not only be consulted on my ideas, but will be able to bring me their ideas for discussion and consideration. This allows not only for different peoples’ opinions to be heard, but allows for leadership decisions instead of the chaos direct democracy can bring.
You may have heard the drums of war sounding once again against Canada, I want to ensure you that I have no intention of going to war with Canada as long as their leadership respects our nation, its policy decisions, and continues on the road to reconciliation. Some will say the Canada needs to be punished for past crimes, and on that we can agree. The difference is I believed they were punished, and though it was not the punishment I would have levied against them I will not revisit it merely for the sake of war. If provocation is the order of the day from Canadian leadership I will not hesitate to wipe them off the map, but as long as they respect the eUS I will respect their right to exist. The moment that stops being the case will be the moment I will attack them and I will not relent until they cease to exist.
Foreign Policy:
I plan on establishing embassies in every nation we are possibly able to staff, regardless of whether or not we have an active MPP with them. I will be using traditional ambassadors and add special envoys to select nations who will have the ability to make policy decisions on my behalf according to specific instructions from the administration. This allows us to expand our circle of friends, gives us a number of Foreign Policy options in the future, and increased our intelligence gathering capabilities. I will also accept ambassadors from any nation we are not actively at war with to allow for greater communication with the world’s leaders and to further the eUS’s ability to stay informed on the actions of friends and enemies alike.
The Balkans and Europe:
My administration will take focus off of Europe and more specifically the Balkans. We will not abandon our Allies there, but we will not be fighting in the Balkans except as a last resort. This means if our friends in the region face the possibility of being wiped we will assist them only if we are not previously engaged in other regions of the world. We will also be seeking resources outside of Europe, to replace our holding their over time, as to not constantly be dragged back into endless wars that do not benefit America’s interests.
The eUS under a McVicker Presidency will focus on campaigns in this region to help provide us with needed resource, and as a tool for using the War Module to increase activity and participation through conquest. The goal of my administration is to increase activity through conquest, colonization, and the creation of an American Empire that extends outside of the Americas.
The Americas:
We will not accept aggression by European powers into the Americas without consultation and consent. The Americas are our backyard and protecting our friends in this region is of the utmost importance to me. My foreign policy agenda will focus on protecting the integrity of our friends and allies in the Americas from outside invaders.
The World View:
I would like to help smaller nations who have been under a long term wipe regain their regions through diplomacy and if necessary military strength. Regardless of the affiliation of said nation (whether they are a member of a pro-ONE alliance, a member of Eden, or a member of a smaller alliance), I would like to help pursue an agenda of international independence for nations that have been unable to free themselves from foreign oppression for an extended period of time.
This my fellow Americans, is the crux of my foreign policy and war objectives should you do me the honor of electing me President on September 5, 2012. My next article will cover my Vice President, Chief of Staff, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense. That article will be followed by my domestic agenda and my finally by my domestic team. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to send me a PM. Thank you in advance for your consideration and your support, and please feel free to drop in on my campaign chan #DMV4POTUS.
I would like to ask BoL for their endorsement for President of These United States.