Welcome to the Official Forum of The Bastards of Liberty Political Party of Erepublik. Enjoy your stay and feel free to sign up to see all the great things we have going! Also, consider joining our party....some things are only visible to PARTY MEMBERS!
Welcome to the Official Forum of The Bastards of Liberty Political Party of Erepublik. Enjoy your stay and feel free to sign up to see all the great things we have going! Also, consider joining our party....some things are only visible to PARTY MEMBERS!
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Posts : 2333
Join date : 2011-03-26

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PostSubject: Welcome to the Forum   Welcome to the Forum EmptyFri Jun 01, 2012 11:18 pm


Most of this forum is private and will become available when you have been properly welcomed and are granted access.

We receive a message as soon as you register. We will promptly check to see if you are a member of the political party or not. We will then give you access to the areas that you are allowed access to on the forum.

You can also post in the public section to get to know people and receive a Bastardly welcome. That is another good signal to give you your colors.

Please note that we are a STRONG supporter of the SoL Militia and highly recommend that you consider joining them.

Don't worry.....if you are already a SoL member, you will be receiving access to the restricted areas.

Thank you and feel free to contact either of us with any of your questions/concerns.

Joseph Dinero - Founder of the Bastards of Liberty Party
Deriachai - Commander of the Sons of Liberty Militia

As a primer on ours forums there are some things you need to know.

Purple - PPA - Purple Pimping Army
---Member of the BoL political Party

Red - SoL
---Member of the SoL Militia

Blue - PP
--- Party President

Also, please make a welcome post of some sort to say hi!
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Slade Cash

Slade Cash

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Join date : 2012-01-16
Location : Austin, Texas, USA

Welcome to the Forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Forum   Welcome to the Forum EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 12:51 am

Thanks for the welcome! I can't wait to get to know you all and become a full participant in the forum.

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Johnny Cache

Johnny Cache

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Join date : 2012-01-02
Age : 111
Location : Toronto, USA

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Forum   Welcome to the Forum EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 6:23 am

This new Slade fella seems like a Serbo PTO-er, better kick him out or put on the watch list. rabbit
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Posts : 2333
Join date : 2011-03-26

Welcome to the Forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Forum   Welcome to the Forum EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 9:16 am

Locking this as it was supposed to be a formal thing
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the Forum   Welcome to the Forum Empty

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